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Clarification regarding AM & PM component simulation in PNOISE (particularly for Oscillator)


Dear All,

I  simulated a simple LC oscillator noise ( PSS+PNOISE) at the oscillator output ( IC5141, .sub-version

I have also saw  the topic "Explain the differences between the 4 noisetype settings for pnoise". But it could not answer what I want.

I used Shooting Method for PSS. I actually wanted to find the AM Noise & PM noise component separately. For total output noise I used PSS+PNOISE analysis. The noise power in db10 looks ok as it is matching the analysis. And it is a Single Sided PSD.

I have attached the waveform of it as Total-Noise.png

However, when I tried to plot AM noise component and PM Noise component separately I faced a really horrible experience. It is really confusing !!

Could anybody please clarify the following. It will be really helpful not only for me but also for many other designers.


First of all the plot form format in pnoise -source-modulated is very different form.

    a) Power is being plotted in absolute value?   why not in db10 like Pnoise ( is it because of IC5141 )

    b) dBV option is there unlike PNOISE form. Why ?

    c) USB, LSB, AM & PM

     What is USB:-

     is it total noise (AM+PM) in Fcenter + Fif   ?  ( is it Single sided or double sided PSD )

     What is LSB :-

     is it total noise in Fcenter - Fif   ?  ( is it Single sided or double sided PSD )

     What is AM:-

     Is it only AM noise component ?

    is it ( Single-Sided or Double Sided PSD ) As there is dbV I suspect it is all Single Sided PSD )  ?

    is it possible to plot AM Noise in Fcenter + Fif band & Fcenter - Fif band ?

 What is PM:-

  Is it only PM noise component ?

  Is it ( Single-Sided or Double Sided PSD ) ?

  Is it possible to plot AM Noise in Fcenter + Fif band & Fcenter - Fif band ?


When I plotted the AM noise ( I have captured it in the figure as AM-Noise_dBV.png ), It didn't match the analysis in the lower frequncy range.  I plotted in dBV as when I Plotted it gives me -ve value also  below 1MHz ( attached as AM-Noise-Power.png).

Beyond 10MHz it was matching with analysis. Also I am finding a NOTCH in the AM-PSD why is this ?


When I plotted the PM noise  ( I have captured it in the figure as PM-Noise_dBV.png ), itis exactly folllowing the total -power as drawn in pnoise analysis but with around 3-dB less


 Kind Regards,



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