I'm trying to simulate the noise figure of a transmit mixer as a function of input IF power.
From the cadence tutorials it seems as if the HBnoise sim is performed under small signal conditions where the input IF port is set to DC
(for example in http://www.cadence.com/Community/blogs/rf/archive/2011/03/10/tips-for-simulating-a-transmit-mixer-in-spectrerf.aspx, its stated "If you are running PAC or Pnoise, you set the IF sourcetype to dc so that the LO is the only sinusoid in the system (Edit Properties on your IF port in the schematic). Since the input for this example is sinusoidal, we will choose Harmonic Balance. " )
How whould you recommend to perform a noise figure sim with IF signal applied.
In addition when I look at the noise separation print form it shows that the noise of the mixer comes from a biasing circuit which is AC disconnected from the circuit..., this must be an artifact and can not be the real noise source of the mixer, not sure but maybe you have some input on this as well?