I have a problem in reading the simulation results using Matlab. The problem is that when I am trying to read multiple parameters, the first one i read it correct but after that all parameters returns zero in value. The Matlab code i am using is the following:
addpath /opt/cadence/installs/MMSIM131/tools.lnx86/spectre/matlab
vd = cds_srr(simpath, 'tran-tran', 'vd');
vg = cds_srr(simpath, 'tran-tran', 'vg');
The result is the following:
>> datalist=cds_srr(simpath);
PSFversion: 1.00
tran-tran (tran).
finalTimeOP-info (info).
modelParameter-info (info).
element-info (info).
outputParameter-info (info).
designParamVals-info (info).
primitives-info.primitives (info.primitives).
subckts-info.subckts (info.subckts).
variables (design_variables).
vd =
info: {'V' 'V' 'time' 's'}
time: [7607x1 double]
V: [7607x1 double]
vg =
info: {'V' 'V' 'time' 's'}
time: 0
V: 0
Now if i flip the order of the vd and vg in the Matlab script where i read first vg and then vd i get the following
>> vg
vg =
info: {'V' 'V' 'time' 's'}
time: [7607x1 double]
V: [7607x1 double]
vd =
info: {'V' 'V' 'time' 's'}
time: 0
V: NaN
This confirms the problem of reading only the first parameter in its correct way while other parameters are zero.
BTW I am using MMSIM131 and IC616, also i tried MMSIM121 and IC615 but i got the same results!
Thank you in advance for your help!