While installing Cadence version 6, we have installed all the necessary packages successfully and we can open the schematic environment even but the hotfixes of Assura 141 and IC616 are giving errors. In the Assura hotfix, it says many modules failed to install while for IC616 it requires some CD during configuration.
Please let us know what is the location of executable file because after installation, we do not find any "bin" folder in /usr/local/cadence/installs/IC616/tools/dfII/
"bin" are present in /usr/local/cadence/installs/IC616/bin and
/usr/local/cadence/installs/IC616/share/bin. Does the absence of "bin"
folder in /usr/local/cadence/installs/IC616/tools/dfII/ path means
incorrect installation?
Also please find attached source file. is this correct?
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE XXXX@headnode2
setenv CDS_HOME /usr/local/cadence/installs/IC616
set CDS_path = ($CDS_HOME/bin $CDS_HOME/share/bin $CDS_HOME/tools/bin)
set path = ($CDS_path)
setenv PATH /bin:$PATH
##setenv CDS_LIC_QA_TesT /tmp/virtuoso_lic.log
setenv PATH /usr/bin:$PATH
If someone has encountered the above error and has resolved this, please share.