Dear All,
I want to do parametric sweep of some variables of my circuit. For example I want to find IIP3 by running PSS and PAC and I want to plot the IIP3 vs value of one parameter by sweeping that variable. This result I want to interface with MATLAB.
I went through the MATLAB Application Note at MMSIM10.1. But I couldn't find any PSS simulation based on parametric sweep.
I tried below and it did not work.
In the .scs file I wrote
sweeppss sweep param=input_power start=-50 stop=20 step=20 {
pss pss fund=800M harms=2 errpreset=conservative
+ method=gear2only tstabmethod=gear2only annotate=status
pac pac start=f2 maxsideband=2 annotate=status
I ran spectre filename.scs.
It actually did the parametric analysis. But when I did in MATLAB as below I got:-
??? Undefined function or variable 'sweeppss_pac'.
RFout is the net name where the output port is connected.
Can anybody please tell the basic way of doing the parametric analysis with all type of RF MATLAB commands.
Kind Regards