I am new to ADE XL and want to run a MC sim bt it behaves weird and I cannot see/browse the results. I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong or if it is buggy. I am ADE L user so I describe what I did:
1. Set up my environment in ADE L as usual. Simple transient sim with output waveform as result
2. Start ADE XL, create new cell, Tests -> Click to add test and then load the state from ADE L. The Outputs Setup and Results get populated.
3. I am working with an ST PDK, so I go to ArtistKit -> Load corners from state and select the scenario that I previously saved where I enabled statistics/monte cartlo. I choose "Select Nominal Corner: yes" and "Location: ADE-XL Results Database"
4. "Corners" in the data view gets populated with my monte carlo states. I think this is fine.
5. I select "Single Run, Sweeps and Corners" and hit the "Plot all waveforms" button. IT WORKS -> the results browser shows two traces on top (one for nominal and one for monte carlo)
6. Then I select "Monte Carlo Sampling" and select number of points, save mismatch data etc and run.
7. After the run, hitting the "plot all waveforms" button, the window is just black and empty! Hitting Results browser button also shows the empty results browser.
It seems that no psf file is created which is there for the interactive run. The file adexl/data/MonteCarlo.0/psf/testlib:testcell:1/psf is empty.
Opening the run log shows that all runs (total number of points 4, number of points passed 4) have been completed successfully.
Am I doing anything wrong here? Where are the MC results supposed to be?