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Problem of phase noise file used in vsource/port



I want to put the phase noise file into the vsource/port for a PLL phase domain simulation. The phase noise file is from a VCO PSS+Pnoise simulation and is saved as ".in.spectre" format. If the unit in the vsource/port noise parameter setting is V^2/Hz, than the PLL noise simulation works well, but the phase noise value is not correct, which I guess we need to do the calibration (calibrate its amplitude to 0dBm or 1V^2?). If the unit is dBc, there is one error after I set the source type as sine in vsource/port:    

ERROR (CMI-2913): N_VCO:  At least one frequency in freqvec or in freq and freq2 should be greater than zero for noisetype=ssbphasenoise.

If the noise parameter is set to "Noise/Frequency points" with dBc, the simulation also works well. But I need to manually key all points. 

Please advice. My VIrtuoso is 6.1.7-64b.500.6, MMSIM/151.

Thank you.

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