Hello , i have a system with multiple device represented by R L C components each device has its own ground, i wanted to make POLE ZERO simulation on it.
at first for the simplisity i made all the devices stacked and one big cirtuit(which was verified in a much simpler simulator called LTSPICE)
After that i tried to convert each device as a symbol as shown bellow.
when In cadence virtuoso i didnt use symbol to simplify the schematics it gave me errors like,
1.no DC path from node "net.. to ground" Gmin installed to provide a path
2.Fatal: the following braches form a loop of rigid barnches(shorts) when added to the circuit
3.why i tried to make subsimbols it gave me an error in bettween the connection of the devices saying they are floating although they are not(and i ran it fine in LTSPICE)
i really want to use the potential of cadence virtuoso to analyze to the fullest extent this passive component network
Where did i go wrong?