Hi All,
I saw the cadence tutorial on measuring IIP3 with 3 tones test (Lets say I have a mixer in the test so two tones are entered in the RF port and one is the LO).
Now, I would like to verify if my receiver meets the bluetooth standard. In the standard it says to enter a signal at -64dBm and two additional signals (interference)
at -39dBm each which placed one k (lets say k equals to one for the example) channels apart and the other 2k channels apart (so 3 signals enter the RF port). These signals cause an intermodulation product to fall
at the frequency of the desired signal. I would like to measure the IIP3 in this case.
Now, I need to enter 4 tones and the IIP3 is measured (based on cadence tutorial) using sweep in the hb.
I do not want to sweep power since I need to enter exact power. I tried to use multi sinusoidal option in the port with exact power but it does not work.
How in general am I be able to check communication standard in this way using virtuoso and measure IIP3?
Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance!