My question is as follows:
I have two tests: "dc1" & "dc2"
For "dc1", I have a local variable sweep ("vdc"):
And the second test "dc2" uses a calcVal function dependent on "dc1":
"vdc_at_3mA" is an output expression calculated using "sweeps" EvalType in test "dc1":
Then I run these two tests for multiple corners, for example, typical, slow & fast.
For each corner, "vdc_at_3mA" output is calculated in test "dc1" & then fed to "dc2" as expected. No issues so far.
However, for whatever reason, if one of the corners take long to converge in test "dc1", "dc2" test does not initiate also for the corners which have converged & finished, until "dc1" is completed for all corners.
For example, say "dc1" test finishes in:
a) 2 minutes for typical corner,
b) 3 minutes for slow corner,
c) 75 minutes for fast corner,
the "dc2" simulation will start only after 75mins also for typical corner, although all the required data for "dc2" test to start in typical corner is available after 2 minutes.
Could you please advice me on this problem? Is there a way to let "dc2" start as soon as "dc1" simulation of a given corner is finished, rather than waiting for all corners to finish.
Please note that I've given a simplified example here. In the actual scenario, I use a transient simulations and therefore using an internal sweep parameter within the test itself is not an option (which could be a potential solution for dc simulations).
Thanks in advance!
My Cadence version is: ICADVM20.1-64b.500.29