I'm trying to simulate large signal S-parameters (LSSP) in Cadence 6.15 and cannot seem to generate a working OCEAN script from the ADE. I get a warning that no results are available for LSSP calculations:
WARNING(OCN-6038: results sweephblssp2_fd-sweep are not available...
Tried adding a ocnWriteLsspToFile command but nothing changed...
I tried to use this code (everything is the result of ADE generating the script except the ocnWriteLsspToFile command. Doesn't work with and without it):
analysis('hb ?oversample list("1") ?fundfreqs list("f_rf") ?maxharms list("3") ?errpreset "moderate" ?param "Vin" ?start "-20" ?stop "10" ?sweepStep "1" )
ocnWriteLsspToFile("lssp.sp2" "/RF_in" "/PORT0/PLUS" "/RF_out" "/PORT1/PLUS" ?format "spectre" ?datafmt "realimag" ?port1 50 ?port2 40 ?result1 "sweeplssp1_lssp1_fd-sweep" ?result2 "sweeplssp2_lssp2_fd-sweep")
mag\(S11\) = db20(mag((((harmonic(v("/RF_in" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) + (harmonic(i("/PORT0/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) * 50)) * sqrt(((50 * 1.0) / 50))) / (harmonic(v("/RF_in" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) - (harmonic(i("/PORT0/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) * 50)))))
mag\(S22\) = db20(mag((((harmonic(v("/RF_out" ?result "sweephblssp2_hblssp2_fd-sweep") 1) + (harmonic(i("/PORT1/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp2_hblssp2_fd-sweep") 1) * 40)) * sqrt(((40 * 1.0) / 40))) / (harmonic(v("/RF_out" ?result "sweephblssp2_hblssp2_fd-sweep") 1) - (harmonic(i("/PORT1/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp2_hblssp2_fd-sweep") 1) * 40)))))
phase\(S21\) = phase((((harmonic(v("/RF_out" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) + (harmonic(i("/PORT1/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) * 40)) * sqrt(((50 * 1.0) / 40))) / (harmonic(v("/RF_in" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) - (harmonic(i("/PORT0/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) * 50))))
mag\(S21\) = db20(mag((((harmonic(v("/RF_out" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) + (harmonic(i("/PORT1/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) * 40)) * sqrt(((50 * 1.0) / 40))) / (harmonic(v("/RF_in" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) - (harmonic(i("/PORT0/PLUS" ?result "sweephblssp1_hblssp1_fd-sweep") 1) * 50)))))
Any clue on how to correctly set up LSSP analysis in OCEAN?
I assume that declaring a HB simulation is not enough (but the initial script is generated by ADE), though the LSSP simulation was configured using RF->LSSP wizard. No additional info found on this topic in Ocean Reference document.