Dear Team,
I am using virtuoso 6.1.5 version running pss, errors are found in the CDS.log window, sayin:"INFO (ADE-3069): Errors encountered during simulation. For more information, see the log files accessible from the Simulation -> Output Log menu."
But the spectre.out file shows "onv norm = 10.4e+03, max dV(M47:int_d) = 79.2508 mV, took 4.48 s."
I can only view the output log file errors by typing spectre spectre.out command in the console. I attached both spectre.out file I can see from virtuoso and file content I can see after spectre command in the console.
I have tried using 64-bit simulation enviroment, using swapfile for simulation as you suggested in other posts, and the machine I am using has around 6GB memory, 12GB swap.
Please take a look at both files and help me find out what the problem is. Thanks!
1. virtuoso spectre.out fileCadence (R) Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator
Version 32bit -- 22 Mar 2012
Copyright (C) 1989-2012 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence, Virtuoso and Spectre are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders.
Protected by U.S. Patents:
5,610,847; 5,790,436; 5,812,431; 5,859,785; 5,949,992; 5,987,238;
6,088,523; 6,101,323; 6,151,698; 6,181,754; 6,260,176; 6,278,964;
6,349,272; 6,374,390; 6,493,849; 6,504,885; 6,618,837; 6,636,839;
6,778,025; 6,832,358; 6,851,097; 6,928,626; 7,024,652; 7,035,782;
7,085,700; 7,143,021; 7,493,240; 7,571,401.
Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA Security, Inc.
User: *** Host: *** HostID: *** PID: ****
Memory available: 3.0670 GB physical: 3.9718 GB
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz
Processor PhysicalID CoreID Frequency
0 0 0 3192.0
1 0 2 1197.0
2 0 0 1197.0
3 0 2 1197.0
Simulating `input.scs' on at 10:52:19 PM, Mon Jan 20, 2014 (process id: 31531).
Command line:
***/tools/cadence/MMSIM101/tools.lnx86/spectre/bin/32bit/spectre \
input.scs +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out +inter=mpsc \
+mpssession=spectre4_15712_11 -format psfxl -raw ../psf \
+lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5
spectre pid = 31531
Loading ***/tools/cadence/MMSIM101/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/5.0/ ...
Loading ***/tools/cadence/MMSIM101/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/5.0/ ...
Loading ***/tools/cadence/MMSIM101/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/5.0/ ...
Loading ***/tools/cadence/MMSIM101/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/5.0/ ...
Warning from spectre in `ndio', during circuit read-in.
WARNING (SFE-2296): "/ECEnet/home/student/jyang/tsmc018/tsmc18rf/../models/spectre/rf018.scs" 16006: The inline subckt definition `ndio' does not contain any inline components. The `inline' qualifier will therefore be ignored.
Warning from spectre in `pdio', during circuit read-in.
WARNING (SFE-2296): "/ECEnet/home/student/jyang/tsmc018/tsmc18rf/../models/spectre/rf018.scs" 16023: The inline subckt definition `pdio' does not contain any inline components. The `inline' qualifier will therefore be ignored.
Warning from spectre in `nwdio', during circuit read-in.
WARNING (SFE-2296): "/ECEnet/home/student/jyang/tsmc018/tsmc18rf/../models/spectre/rf018.scs" 16040: The inline subckt definition `nwdio' does not contain any inline components. The `inline' qualifier will therefore be ignored.
Warning from spectre in `ndio_3', during circuit read-in.
WARNING (SFE-2296): "/ECEnet/home/student/jyang/tsmc018/tsmc18rf/../models/spectre/rf018.scs" 16067: The inline subckt definition `ndio_3' does not contain any inline components. The `inline' qualifier will therefore be ignored.
Warning from spectre in `pdio_3', during circuit read-in.
WARNING (SFE-2296): "/ECEnet/home/student/jyang/tsmc018/tsmc18rf/../models/spectre/rf018.scs" 16084: The inline subckt definition `pdio_3' does not contain any inline components. The `inline' qualifier will therefore be ignored.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 325.949 ms, elapsed = 454.593 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 325.949 ms, elapsed = 454.593 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 27.1 Mbytes.
Time for Elaboration: CPU = 73.99 ms, elapsed = 78.531 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 399.939 ms, elapsed = 533.314 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 29.9 Mbytes.
Time for EDB Visiting: CPU = 3.999 ms, elapsed = 44.9378 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 403.938 ms, elapsed = 578.425 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 30.9 Mbytes.
Circuit inventory:
nodes 405
bsim3v3 196
isource 49
mtline 140
resistor 98
vsource 51
Notice from spectre.
4 warnings suppressed.
Time for parsing: CPU = 609.907 ms, elapsed = 754.234 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 1.01384 s, elapsed = 1.33307 s.
Peak resident memory used = 41.7 Mbytes.
Entering remote command mode using MPSC service (spectre, ipi, v0.0, spectre4_15712_11, ).
Warning from spectre.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16707): Only tran supports psfxl format, result of other analyses will be in psfbin format.
Periodic Steady-State Analysis `pss': fund = 10 MHz
Finding DC approximate solution failed. Try again with try_fast_op set to no.
Attempt to generate initial guess for DC solver failed.
`pss': time = (0 s -> 100 ns)
Important parameter values in tstab integration:
start = 0 s
outputstart = 0 s
stop = 100 ns
period = 100 ns
step = 100 ps
maxstep = 4 ns
ic = all
useprevic = no
skipdc = no
reltol = 1e-03
abstol(V) = 1 uV
abstol(I) = 1 pA
abstol(U) = 1 u
temp = 27 C
tnom = 27 C
tempeffects = all
method = traponly
lteratio = 3.5
relref = sigglobal
cmin = 0 F
gmin = 1 pS
pss: time = 2.081 ps (2.08 m%), step = 2.081 ps (2.08 m%)
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
Zero diagonal found in Jacobian at `I467:wif1_2_1_1' and `net463'.
pss: time = 2.081 ps (2.08 m%), step = 1e-21 s (1 p%)
Warning from spectre at time = 22.1502 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M122: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M122: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
Notice from spectre at time = 28.7648 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
M122: The bulk-drain junction leaves the linearized region.
M122: The bulk-drain junction current no longer exceeds `imax'.
pss: time = 30.87 ps (30.9 m%), step = 2.104 ps (2.1 m%)
Warning from spectre at time = 57.9072 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M120: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M120: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
Warning from spectre at time = 60.0806 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M0: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M0: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M45: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M45: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M52: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M52: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
Notice from spectre at time = 82.2644 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
M121: The bulk-drain junction leaves the linearized region.
M121: The bulk-drain junction current no longer exceeds `imax'.
Notice from spectre at time = 85.0332 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
M9: The bulk-drain junction leaves the linearized region.
M9: The bulk-drain junction current no longer exceeds `imax'.
M40: The bulk-drain junction leaves the linearized region.
M40: The bulk-drain junction current no longer exceeds `imax'.
M57: The bulk-drain junction leaves the linearized region.
Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed.
M57: The bulk-drain junction current no longer exceeds `imax'.
Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed.
pss: time = 103 ps (103 m%), step = 1.204 ps (1.2 m%)
pss: time = 163.4 ps (163 m%), step = 1.571 ps (1.57 m%)
pss: time = 225.5 ps (226 m%), step = 1.366 ps (1.37 m%)
pss: time = 287.2 ps (287 m%), step = 2.984 ps (2.98 m%)
pss: time = 350.5 ps (350 m%), step = 1.158 ps (1.16 m%)
pss: time = 411.4 ps (411 m%), step = 1.065 ps (1.06 m%)
pss: time = 467.2 ps (467 m%), step = 1.569 ps (1.57 m%)
pss: time = 534.7 ps (535 m%), step = 1.62 ps (1.62 m%)
pss: time = 98.12 ns (98.1 %), step = 994.3 fs (994 u%)
pss: time = 98.18 ns (98.2 %), step = 1.749 ps (1.75 m%)
pss: time = 98.25 ns (98.3 %), step = 990.3 fs (990 u%)
pss: time = 98.31 ns (98.3 %), step = 1.325 ps (1.32 m%)
pss: time = 98.37 ns (98.4 %), step = 1.321 ps (1.32 m%)
pss: time = 98.44 ns (98.4 %), step = 1.636 ps (1.64 m%)
pss: time = 98.5 ns (98.5 %), step = 787.2 fs (787 u%)
pss: time = 98.56 ns (98.6 %), step = 962 fs (962 u%)
pss: time = 98.63 ns (98.6 %), step = 1.541 ps (1.54 m%)
pss: time = 98.7 ns (98.7 %), step = 820.1 fs (820 u%)
pss: time = 98.76 ns (98.8 %), step = 270.7 fs (271 u%)
pss: time = 98.82 ns (98.8 %), step = 1.409 ps (1.41 m%)
pss: time = 98.89 ns (98.9 %), step = 2.466 ps (2.47 m%)
pss: time = 98.95 ns (98.9 %), step = 1.364 ps (1.36 m%)
pss: time = 99.01 ns (99 %), step = 1.019 ps (1.02 m%)
pss: time = 99.07 ns (99.1 %), step = 1.497 ps (1.5 m%)
pss: time = 99.14 ns (99.1 %), step = 1.85 ps (1.85 m%)
pss: time = 99.21 ns (99.2 %), step = 1.218 ps (1.22 m%)
pss: time = 99.26 ns (99.3 %), step = 780.4 fs (780 u%)
pss: time = 99.33 ns (99.3 %), step = 1.345 ps (1.35 m%)
pss: time = 99.4 ns (99.4 %), step = 775.1 fs (775 u%)
pss: time = 99.46 ns (99.5 %), step = 1.209 ps (1.21 m%)
pss: time = 99.52 ns (99.5 %), step = 1.04 ps (1.04 m%)
pss: time = 99.58 ns (99.6 %), step = 2.362 ps (2.36 m%)
pss: time = 99.65 ns (99.6 %), step = 1.724 ps (1.72 m%)
pss: time = 99.7 ns (99.7 %), step = 831 fs (831 u%)
pss: time = 99.76 ns (99.8 %), step = 1.708 ps (1.71 m%)
pss: time = 99.83 ns (99.8 %), step = 1.417 ps (1.42 m%)
pss: time = 99.9 ns (99.9 %), step = 3.523 ps (3.52 m%)
pss: time = 99.96 ns (100 %), step = 1.75 ps (1.75 m%)
Conv norm = 6.24e+03, max dV(M43:int_d) = -792.616 mV, took 11.0565 ks.
Important parameter values in pss iteration:
start = 0 s
outputstart = 0 s
stop = 100 ns
period = 100 ns
steadyratio = 10e-03
step = 100 ps
maxstep = 500 ps
ic = all
useprevic = no
skipdc = no
reltol = 100e-06
abstol(V) = 1 uV
abstol(I) = 1 pA
abstol(U) = 1 u
temp = 27 C
tnom = 27 C
tempeffects = all
errpreset = conservative
method = gear2only
lteratio = 10
relref = alllocal
cmin = 0 F
gmin = 1 pS
Warning from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
WARNING (SPCRTRF-15045): pss analysis might be slow because at least 20020 time-steps are needed to meet `maxacfreq' constraints.
Notice from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
11207 warnings suppressed.
`pss': time = (0 s -> 100 ns)
Warning from spectre at time = 508.49 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M0: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M0: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M45: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M45: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M52: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M52: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M11: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M11: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
pss: time = 652.5 fs (652 u%), step = 36.49 fs (36.5 u%)
Warning from spectre at time = 946.86 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
WARNING (CMI-2139): M98: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
WARNING (CMI-2144): M98: The bulk-drain junction current exceeds `imax'.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
pss: time = 1.122 ps (1.12 m%), step = 30.8 fs (30.8 u%)
pss: time = 1.683 ps (1.68 m%), step = 38.43 fs (38.4 u%)
pss: time = 2.136 ps (2.14 m%), step = 15.21 fs (15.2 u%)
pss: time = 2.618 ps (2.62 m%), step = 8.134 fs (8.13 u%)
pss: time = 3.17 ps (3.17 m%), step = 10.91 fs (10.9 u%)
pss: time = 3.672 ps (3.67 m%), step = 7.703 fs (7.7 u%)
pss: time = 4.191 ps (4.19 m%), step = 6.886 fs (6.89 u%)
pss: time = 4.719 ps (4.72 m%), step = 8.144 fs (8.14 u%)
pss: time = 5.383 ps (5.38 m%), step = 32.12 fs (32.1 u%)
pss: time = 6.089 ps (6.09 m%), step = 51.84 fs (51.8 u%)
pss: time = 6.78 ps (6.78 m%), step = 21.85 fs (21.9 u%)
pss: time = 7.383 ps (7.38 m%), step = 18.67 fs (18.7 u%)
pss: time = 8.054 ps (8.05 m%), step = 33.28 fs (33.3 u%)
pss: time = 8.755 ps (8.76 m%), step = 35.51 fs (35.5 u%)
pss: time = 9.419 ps (9.42 m%), step = 16.55 fs (16.5 u%)
pss: time = 10.09 ps (10.1 m%), step = 31.7 fs (31.7 u%)
pss: time = 10.91 ps (10.9 m%), step = 37.41 fs (37.4 u%)
pss: time = 11.65 ps (11.7 m%), step = 30.54 fs (30.5 u%)
pss: time = 12.48 ps (12.5 m%), step = 46.14 fs (46.1 u%)
pss: time = 13.24 ps (13.2 m%), step = 28.33 fs (28.3 u%)
pss: time = 14.06 ps (14.1 m%), step = 29.94 fs (29.9 u%)
pss: time = 5.705 ns (5.7 %), step = 356.3 fs (356 u%)
pss: time = 5.714 ns (5.71 %), step = 367.2 fs (367 u%)
pss: time = 5.725 ns (5.72 %), step = 503.6 fs (504 u%)
pss: time = 5.739 ns (5.74 %), step = 520 fs (520 u%)
pss: time = 5.748 ns (5.75 %), step = 374.5 fs (374 u%)
pss: time = 5.756 ns (5.76 %), step = 222.1 fs (222 u%)
pss: time = 5.766 ns (5.77 %), step = 451.9 fs (452 u%)
pss: time = 5.781 ns (5.78 %), step = 606.5 fs (607 u%)
Fatal error found by spectre at time = 5.78882 ns during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
FATAL (CMI-2002): Insufficient memory available. To reduce memory, refer to "spectre -h memory".
Conv norm = 344e+03, max dI(PORT0:p) = 328.949 mA, took 5.94118 ks.
Analysis `pss' was terminated prematurely due to an error.
Notice from spectre.
13161 notices suppressed.
1954 warnings suppressed.
2.spectre command content
Cadence (R) Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator
Version 32bit -- 31 May 2011
Copyright (C) 1989-2010 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved
worldwide. Cadence, Virtuoso and Spectre are registered trademarks of
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their
respective holders.
Protected by U.S. Patents:
5,610,847; 5,790,436; 5,812,431; 5,859,785; 5,949,992; 5,987,238;
6,088,523; 6,101,323; 6,151,698; 6,181,754; 6,260,176; 6,278,964;
6,349,272; 6,374,390; 6,493,849; 6,504,885; 6,618,837; 6,636,839;
6,778,025; 6,832,358; 6,851,097; 6,928,626; 7,024,652; 7,035,782;
7,085,700; 7,143,021; 7,493,240; 7,571,401.
Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA
Security, Inc.
User: *** Host: *** HostID: *** PID: ****
Memory available: 3.0549 GB physical: 3.9718 GB
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz
Processor PhysicalID CoreID Frequency
0 0 0 1197.0
1 0 2 3193.0
2 0 0 1197.0
3 0 2 1197.0
Simulating `spectre.out' on at 8:48:18 PM, Thur Jan 23, 2014
(process id: 12819).
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-1025): "spectre.out" 3: Instance `Version': Unexpected value
`31' - all required positional parameters have already been specified.
ERROR (SFE-1025): "spectre.out" 3: Instance `Version': Unexpected value
`May' - all required positional parameters have already been
ERROR (SFE-1025): "spectre.out" 3: Instance `Version': Unexpected value
`2011' - all required positional parameters have already been
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 7: Unexpected numeric value "5".
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`or' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly named
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`Security' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly
named parameters.
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`Protocol' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly
named parameters.
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`Software' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly
named parameters.
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`from' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly named
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`RSA' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly named
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`Security' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly
named parameters.
ERROR (SFE-1024): "spectre.out" 13: Instance `Includes': Unexpected value
`Inc.' - positional parameters are not allowed after explicitly named
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 19: Unexpected numeric value "0".
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 25: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 26: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 34: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 34: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 34: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 34: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 35: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 35: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 35: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 35: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 36: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 36: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 36: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 36: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 37: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 37: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 37: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 38: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 39: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 41: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 43: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 45: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 47: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 64: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 65: `n' (first char of `nodes') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 67: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 68: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 69: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 72: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 73: `N' (first char of `Notice') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 80: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 87: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 90: `A' (first char of `Attempt') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-1025): "spectre.out" 95: Instance `Important': Unexpected value
`tstab' - all required positional parameters have already been
ERROR (SFE-1025): "spectre.out" 95: Instance `Important': Unexpected value
`integration:' - all required positional parameters have already been
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 97: `o' (first char of `outputstart') is
not a valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 101: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 102: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 104: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 105: `a' (first char of `abstol') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 106: `a' (first char of `abstol') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 107: `a' (first char of `abstol') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 108: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 109: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 110: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 111: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 112: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 113: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-1166): "spectre.out" 115: Expected 2 controlling nodes, but
found 0.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 117: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 117: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 118: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 118: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 119: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 119: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 120: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 120: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 121: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 121: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 122: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 122: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 123: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 123: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 124: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 124: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 125: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 125: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 126: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 126: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 127: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 127: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 128: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 128: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 129: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 129: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 130: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 130: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 131: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 131: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 132: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 132: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 133: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 133: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 134: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 134: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 136: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 137: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 139: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 139: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 140: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 140: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 141: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 141: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 142: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 142: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 143: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 143: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 144: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 144: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 145: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 145: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 146: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 146: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 147: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 147: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 148: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 148: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 149: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 149: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 150: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 150: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 151: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 151: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 152: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 152: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 153: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 153: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 154: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 154: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 155: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 155: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 156: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 156: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 158: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 159: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 161: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 161: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 162: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 162: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 163: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 163: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 164: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 164: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 165: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 165: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 166: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 166: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 167: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 167: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 168: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 168: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 169: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 169: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 170: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 170: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 171: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 171: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 172: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 172: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 173: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 173: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 174: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 174: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 175: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 175: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 176: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 176: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 177: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 177: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 178: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 178: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 180: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 181: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 183: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 183: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 184: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 184: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 185: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 185: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 186: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 186: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 187: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 187: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 188: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 188: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 189: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 189: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 190: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 190: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 191: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 191: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 192: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 192: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 193: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 193: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 194: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 194: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 195: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 195: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 196: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 196: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 197: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 197: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 198: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 198: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 199: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 199: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 200: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 200: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 202: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 203: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 205: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 205: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 206: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 206: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 207: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 207: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 208: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 208: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 209: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 209: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 210: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 210: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 211: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 211: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 212: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 212: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 213: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 213: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 214: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 214: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 215: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 215: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 216: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 216: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 217: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 217: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 218: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 218: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 219: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 219: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 220: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 220: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 221: `Z' (first char of `Zero') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 221: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 223: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 224: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 227: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 229: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 230: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 230: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 231: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 231: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 232: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 232: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 233: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 234: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 234: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 236: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 238: `N' (first char of `Notice') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 238: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 241: `N' (first char of `Notice') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 241: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 242: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 243: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 244: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 245: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 245: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 246: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 246: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 247: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 248: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 248: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 249: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 249: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 251: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 253: `N' (first char of `Notice') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 253: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 256: `N' (first char of `Notice') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 256: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 257: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 258: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 259: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 260: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 260: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 262: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 262: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 264: `N' (first char of `Notice') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 264: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 267: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 270: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 271: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 272: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 273: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 274: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 275: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 276: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 277: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 278: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 279: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 280: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 281: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 282: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 283: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 284: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 285: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 286: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 287: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1025): "spectre.out" 290: Instance `Important': Unexpected value
`pss' - all required positional parameters have already been
ERROR (SFE-1025): "spectre.out" 290: Instance `Important': Unexpected value
`iteration:' - all required positional parameters have already been
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 292: `o' (first char of `outputstart') is
not a valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 297: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 298: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 300: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 301: `a' (first char of `abstol') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 302: `a' (first char of `abstol') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 303: `a' (first char of `abstol') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 304: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 305: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 306: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 307: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 308: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 309: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-874): "spectre.out" 310: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR (SFE-1166): "spectre.out" 312: Expected 2 controlling nodes, but
found 0.
ERROR (SFE-1806): "spectre.out" 315: `N' (first char of `Notice') is not a
valid SPICE element type.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 315: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 323: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 324: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 324: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 325: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 325: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 326: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 327: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 327: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 328: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 328: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 330: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 331: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 332: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 334: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 335: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 335: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 336: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 336: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 337: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 337: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 338: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 338: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 340: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 341: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 343: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 344: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 344: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-841): "spectre.out" 346: Unexpected character `.' in netlist.
ERROR (SFE-1178): "spectre.out" 346: Not enough nodes - require an even
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 349: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 350: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 351: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 352: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 353: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 354: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 355: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 356: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 357: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 358: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 359: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 360: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 361: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 362: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 363: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 364: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 365: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 366: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 367: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 368: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 369: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 370: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 371: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 372: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 373: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 374: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 375: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 376: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 377: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 378: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 379: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 380: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 381: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 382: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 383: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
ERROR (SFE-1703): "spectre.out" 384: Wrong number of nodes . Port instance
has 2 or 3 terminals
Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 95.984 ms, elapsed = 187.437 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 95.984 ms, elapsed = 187.437 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 21.8 Mbytes.
Time for parsing: CPU = 0 s, elapsed = 7.86781 us.
Time accumulated: CPU = 95.984 ms, elapsed = 187.533 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 21.8 Mbytes.
Aggregate audit (8:48:18 PM, Thur Jan 23, 2014):
Time used: CPU = 98 ms, elapsed = 189 ms, util. = 51.8%.
Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 120 ms, percentage of total = 63.7%.
Peak memory used = 21.8 Mbytes.
Simulation started at: 8:48:18 PM, Thur Jan 23, 2014, ended at: 8:48:18 PM,
Thur Jan 23, 2014, with elapsed time (wall clock): 189 ms.
spectre completes with 395 errors, 0 warnings, and 0 notices.
spectre terminated prematurely due to fatal error.